2022 BCG大中华区慈善拍品预展
发布时间:2022年11月23日 10:21 文章来源:光彩银星拍卖有限公司浏览次数:1470次


We would have Live Auction on Dec 9th afternoon during HOD for SH and BJ offices1 with special auction offerings from our leadership. You can scan the live auction items for your information below. For BCGers could not attend live auction, we will help you bid for items with the form of Sealed-bid Auction2. Express your interest in Sealed-bid auction here  https://www.113.vovici.net/se/13B2588B2462BAF4  We will also make live auction LIVE for people could not participate onsite so don’t worry that you miss the show. We will keep you updated and send instructions when the event approaches!

1. 香港办公室在活动当天另有安排;台北、深圳办公室或将安排团体挑战活动;具体情况请与Office Manager取得联系。

HK office is not holding an offline round as it is not feasible to fit into the HOD agenda. SZ and Taipei office will have group challenge instead of item auction. For more information, please contact local office managers; the schedule may change due to COVID

2. 如需参与密封拍卖,请提供您感兴趣的线下拍品的最高出价。我们的志愿者会与您联系,并在现场代为拍卖。如您出价为全场最高,则赢得拍品。

For sealed-bid auction, you write down your highest bid for the item before-hand, and our volunteer will represent you to bid with your highest offer price onsite. The item will be sold to you if you are the highest bidder. 



